24 February 2009

2:34 PM

into you.

oh, melt my heart and let it lead to your ocean.
i will meet you at the end of the world,
because i only belong to you.

19 February 2009

2:34 PM

the good and the better.

i know that you're too good for me,
but you know i'm way better than her.

17 February 2009

8:55 PM

randomly perfect.

it doesn't have to be with the right people,
or the right time.
sometimes all we need is a random opportunities.
a perfect randomness.

ciwidey, 17/02/09
with dien, ilham, resna, and adnan.

14 February 2009

11:36 AM

ein anfang.

i decided to move my previous blog
the beautiful solitude, and start writing here.

i am a monster at my heart. and so you are.



the monster
adrisfi ryandari
the antagonist

alter ego